Track Record 


rene_portrait_sw05.jpg René A. Kasper

born 1967 in Vienna
Vocational education Real Estate Merchant (IHK)
Postgraduate degree Real Estate Management (ebs)


Boarding School Eckenberg , Adelsheim
HELMUT W. FALK group, Munich
European Business School

Professional Career

1989 - 1993
HELMUT W. FALK group, Munich
Vocational education as real estate merchant,
Management of closed-end real estate funds,
Development / project management

1994 – 1998
TRIGON Wohn- und Gewerbebau, Berlin
organization and chief of department „privately financed house building“,
development / project management / sales

1998 - 1999
development / project management / sales

1999 - 2003
VIVICO Real Estate, Frankfurt /Munich branch
development / project management / sales

since 2003
REAL ESTATE PARTNER René A. Kasper, Munich
consulting partner
development, project management, investment